You can see all of these, and many more, magnificent animals in Botswana, still living in their natural habitats. It is possible to see some or almost all of them in one day. Botswana is one of the few places on earth where you can still experience the extraordinary beauty and variety of creation.
It is a wild place of wild beats, a remnant of paradise where one can pray the whole day just by looking around and enjoying the privilege to see wonders and hear silence telling you the story of who you are, where you go and how, and experience the almost tangible spiritual reality, the reality of the Creator.
Do you know the animals on this collage above?
Can you find: kudu, lion, leopard, cheetah, zebra, elephant, sable, impala, lechwe, wild dog, vervet monkey, baboon, warthog, buffalo, hippo, tsessebe, wildebeest, hyaena, gemsbok, giraffe, jackal, reedbuck, waterbuck.
Come to Botswana to see these magnificent creatures.

List of the mammals of Botswana:
Duiker antelope, Steenbok antelope, Oribi antelope, Sharpe's grysbok antelope, Klipspringer antelope, Mountain reedbuck antelope, Impala antelope, Puku antelope, Lechwe antelope, Sitatunga antelope, Reedbuck antelope, Waterbuck antelope, Bushbuck antelope, Kudu antelope, Roan antelope, Sable antelope, Tsessebe antelope, Red hartebeest antelope, Springbok antelope, Gemsbok antelope, Blue wildebeest antelope, Eland antelope, Burchell's zebra, Giraffe, Warthog, Bushpig, Buffalo, White rhinoceros, Black rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Elephant, Striped polecat, Small-spotted genet, Large-spotted genet, Civet, Honey badger, African wild cat, Small spotted cat, Caracal, Serval, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Cape fox, Bat-eared fox, Black-backed jackal, Side-striped jackal, Wild dog, Aardwolf, Spotted hyaena, Brown hyaena, Aardvark, Pangolin, Yellow mongoose, Slender mongoose, White-tailed mongoose, Water mongoose, Dwarf mogoose, Banded mogoose, Suricate, Clawless otter, Spottednecked otter, Ground squirrel, Tree squirrel, Cape hare, Scrub hare, Springhare, Rock dassie, Cane rat, Hedgehog, Porcupine, Peter's Epauletted fruit-bat, Bushbaby, Vervet monkey, Chacma baboon. There are many other smaller but equally fascinating animals.
Wildlife images & Natural History
In addition there are hundreds of birds in Botswana, frogs, snakes, lizards, fish, insects and plants all being important parts of the amazing ecosystem of creation. Many of them are endangered and find refuge in the wild places of Botswana.
All rights reserved. 2008-2009 - Copy rights by Fr. Mareko Marciniak, svd; Divine Word Missionaries - Botswana Province; Richard Randall.